Stay Gold Ponyboy

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost, 1923.

Camino Vignette: The Golden Hour

Castrojeriz, Castile and León, Spain

Everything is light. As the sun rises in the morning the rays of light are reduced in intensity, as there is more atmosphere to penetrate between you and the sun. This effect, I’m not going to get into the science, filters out more of the blue light leaving more of the redder rays, producing a beautiful golden light, in the golden hour.

I find there is something magical about the golden hour. Observing it, witnessing it, feeling it, I am often stopped in my tracks by its magnificence. An unadorned wall can be transformed into an illuminated, glowing mirror. A simple tree can take on a statuesque role, floodlit on the plains. Everything is enhanced.

Golden light fills me with its energy. It restores, it refreshes, it reinvigorates the soul. I cannot help but feel positive, hopeful and optimistic in its brilliance.

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Camino Vignette: New Day

Wherever you are

However you are

There is always tomorrow

A chance to begin again.

Wipe the slate

Make it new

What’s done is done

Tomorrow is a clean break.

You can cry through the darkness

You can wash your skin and start over

You can live again

Because the sun will rise in the morning.

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