End World Poverty!

In the second of an occasional series, here is the first moment of a new day.

This is not the first moment that I open my eyes. Not that purgatorial moment between night and day, when muscle memory gets me out of bed and puts a cup of fresh coffee in my hand. No, this is what follows, when my head wakes-up, when thoughts start to bubble, when the day really begins. Sometimes my best thoughts and ideas are the first things that I think when I wake.

Drinking my coffee this morning, it dawned on me that if a person, a citizen of the world, woke up this morning with the wealth to be able to end want, with the money to end poverty across the world, why wouldn’t they? What joy or satisfaction can one have in watching the pain and misery of need, impoverishment and hunger whilst having the ability, the means to end that pain? If you had the means, why wouldn’t you make it your life’s work? The thought that there are a handful of men (yes, they’re men) waking up today with the ability to end poverty across the world – but hitherto have chosen not to solve the problem. What point huge personal wealth?

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